The struggle of the departing soul

While the dying person addresses his last words to us, suddenly his tongue is at a loss, his eyes dim, his mouth falls silent, his voice is paralyz...

Le grand carême 2018... Le cheminement vers Pâques

Le grand carême... Le cheminement vers PâquesLe Grand Carême débute le lundi 19 février 2018. Ceci est une période de jeûne strict* dans l’Église O...

Great Lent 2018... The journey to Pascha

On Monday, February the 19th 2018, will begin the blessed period of Great Lent. This is a period of strict fast* in the Orthodox Chuch, thus prepar...

Gather frequently to celebrate God's Eucharist

Try to gather more frequently to celebrate God's Eucharist and to praise Him. For when you meet with frequency, Satan's powers are overthrown and h...

There is your brother...

“There is your brother, naked, crying, and you stand there confused over the choice of an attractive floor covering.”St. Ambrose of Milan

A true Christian

A fish that is alive swims against the flow of water. One that is dead floats down with the water.A true Christian goes against the current of sinf...

The festival of Christ's birthday

"Christ is born, glorify Him! Christ from heaven, go out to meet Him. Christ on earth; be exalted. Sing unto the Lord all the whole earth; and that...

On the Nativity of Christ by St. John of Kronstadt

"He has come upon earth, He, Who in the beginning created us from earth and breathed His Divine breath into us; He has come Who “giveth to all life...

Christmas is coming!

Christmas is coming. Do you know that the pre-festal troparia begin on the twentieth of December?The Church has also wisely set the last day in whi...

On love, hate and kindness

It seems that we do not understand one thing: it is not good when we return the love of those who love us, yet hate those who hate us. We are not o...

The love for Christ and men

Today people seek to be loved and for this reason they fail. The correct way is not to be concerned about whether you are loved, but whether you lo...

The only hope of salvation

The only hope of salvation from the delusions and the heresies, the innovations and the traps of wicked people and of the devil is prayer, repentan...