Paraklesis service 2021- Commemorate your living loved ones

Paraklesis service 2021- Commemorate your living loved ones

"Preserve and save, O Theotokos, your servants from every danger; after God do all of us for refuge flee unto you; you are a firm rampart and our protection." From the service of the Small Paraklesis to the Theotokos

Send us your names for the Paraklesis service to the Mother of God

My beloved brethren and beloved children of our Savior Christ and His Most Holy Mother, rejoice in the Lord always.

By His grace, another year has gone by.

He protected us from the scourge of the pandemic. Some were sick and some were not, but we are again all here together to celebrate the Dormition of our Most Holy Thetokos, united, with love for one another and always grateful for what Her grace has given us, whether good or bad and also for what has not been given to us as well.

We should always thank her, because thanksgiving is the way that we attract grace, but we must also pray that her grace covers and protects us.

On the first of August we will begin the Services of the Supplicatory Canon to the Theotokos. That is why I am reminding those of you who want to send the names of your living loved ones so that we can commemorate them daily in this very special period of the 15 day fast and preparatory period for the feast day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God.

I humbly wish, to all, to be spiritually and physically healthy and strong, having Christ as our breastplate, our Mother of God as our shield and the Holy Cross as our spear.

Thus shielded and with the victorious hymn of prayer on the lips, may we overcome the difficulties of this present life and be deemed worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom Amen.

I embrace you in the Lord with all the love of my poor heart,

The least in Christ,

Ger. Thekla

Send us your names for the Paraklesis service to the Mother of God