Icon of the Nativity of the Theotokos from the vigil at monasterevmc.org 2020

Come, all you faithful, let us run to the Virgin!

Come, all you faithful, let us run to the Virgin! For, behold, today she is born, who was foreordained before the womb, as the Mother of our God, the treasure of virginity, the rod of Aaron that budded, springing from the root of Jesse,
the preaching of the Prophets, the offspring of righteous Joachim and Anna.
She is born and with her the world is renewed. She comes from the womb
and the Church is adorned in her majesty.
She is the holy temple, the vessel of the Godhead, the virgin instrument and bridal chamber of the King, in which has come to pass the strange mystery
of the union of the natures that came together in Christ.
Worshiping Him, we praise the birth of the all-pure Virgin.
From the vespers service, Doxastikon of the Aposticha tone 8