Pascha Greeting 2020 by Gerondissa Thekla
For these holy days of Holy Week and Pascha, we pray that “the crucified, buried and resurrected Lord”, bestow His abundant grace unto the world, rebuke the sickness, and free us from this small imprisonment in which we are found. May He overturn the devil, and free us from the slavery of our passions that mercilessly torture our souls.
“May He abundantly pour His light of the Resurrection, bathing our souls and transforming our nous into a heaven full of the theory of God, our heart into a throne to receive the Lord, and our mouth into a church that continuously praises His Holy name.”
With these words our holy Gerondissa Makrina would bless us while crossing us, and I in turn humbly offer the same blessing to all our struggling and pain-ridden brethren.
The least in Christ,
Abbess Thekla and asisters.