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Prayer rope with thin knots | Chapelets orthodoxes, petits noeuds
1 review
- Price
- $8.00
Orthodox prayer ropes (Komboskini in Greek or Chotki in Russian), with very thin knots made from synthetic yarn, imported from Greece, used for reciting the Jesus prayer, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me" or the prayer to the Mother of God "Most Holy Theotokos save us".|
Chapelets orthodoxes avec des petits noeuds synthétiques importés de la Grèce. Utilisés pour réciter la prière de Jésus "Seigneur Jésus Christ aie pitié de moi" et la prière à la Mère de Dieu "Très Sainte Mère de Dieu sauve nous."
Darrell Ingeveld It was too small for me to go from knot to knot with my thumb or finger.
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